You are not alone when dealing with sexual harassment and misogyny

If a crime is occurring or has just occurred, please call 999 immediately.

Report a crime

To report a crime that has already happened, please use the online reporting tools:

Rights of Women Helpline

Employment legal advice to women experiencing sexual harassment at work

Helpline: 020 7490 0152

(Mon 6–8pm + Tues 5–7pm)

Hospitality Action Helpline

Support for those working in hospitality facing any kind of difficulties

0808 802 0282 (24/7)

Equality Advice and Support Service

Advice and assistance about any type of discrimination at work

0808 800 0082

(9am–7pm every day

National Rape Crisis Helpline

For emotional support and info about local sexual violence support services

0808 802 9999

(12–2.30pm + 7–9.30pm daily)

or online chat via

Switchboard LGBTQ+ Helpline

Confidential helpline run by and for LGBTQ+ people

0300 330 0630

(10am–10pm every day)

Domestic Abuse Intervention Service

Support to Hackney residents experiencing domestic abuse

Monday – Friday 9-5pm

020 8356 4458

0800 056 0905 (free from a landline)

email [email protected]